
Diane Stormont 1959-2012

Published on Mar 16, 2012 by Luke Hunt

ASIAWATCH — Diane Stormont, veteran journalist and lecturer has died in Hong Kong after a long battle with cancer. She was 52. “Our beloved teacher and colleague Diane Stormont passed away Wednesday night at Queen Mary Hospital after a brave battle with cancer,” tthe University of Hong Kong said in a statement issued Thursday. Stormont had been teaching part-time at the university’s Journalism and Media Studies Center since 2008 and joined  full-time in August 2009 as senior teaching consultant. “As director of JMSC’s digital media program, she led the ongoing update of our curriculum, making sure we cope with break-neck changes in technology,” the statement said. “Under her leadership, mobile reporting and live reporting have become integral parts of our....

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American Hostage Held

Published on Mar 6, 2012 by Luke Hunt

FAR EAST CORRESPONDENT — With cropped hair, lightweight combat boots and body armor, the Egyptian thugs understood how clearly they made their point by simply fingering the triggers of their AK-47s. The American who stood nearby probably found a long afternoon shadow to watch them from as they ransacked his Cairo office. The American is a lean 36-year-old with a bit of twinkle in his eye. He is the country director for the International Republican Institute (IRI), a U.S.-funded pro-democracy organization that has monitored Egypt’s ongoing parliamentary elections. His name is Sam LaHood and he happens to be Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood’s son. He also happens to be a friend of mine. In late December the thugs, accompanied by Egyptian....

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Rudd vs. Gillard: Here We Go …

Published on Mar 5, 2012 by Luke Hunt

FAR EAST CORRESPONDENT — Since February 22, the Australian jobsite Now Hiring has offered the position of Prime Minister of Australia. Candidates will “move Australia forward and build our future whilst giving working families a fair go, protecting our borders, and building an economy that is the envy of the world by ensuring our environment is preserved for future generations and stopping the boats, whilst upholding our humanitarian responsibilities to the traditional owners of the land.” Though “a genuine interest in, and thorough knowledge of, current affairs, economics, history, statecraft, and philosophy” would be ideal, anyone with a pulse will do. The last line of this engaging, on-the-money spoof might be the best, “You may at times be required to....

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Myanmar has Business

Published on Mar 1, 2012 by Luke Hunt

ASIAWATCH — As Myanmar trades political reforms in return for an end to economic sanctions, businesses big and small are queuing-up for access to the region’s last totally closed economy. Luke Hunt reports entry will be dictated by political connections, financial clout, further reforms and need. Chief among need will be food and infrastructure – roads, ports dams, electricity and access to clean water – but areas like health are also in dire need of investment. The World Health Organization ranks Myanmar 190th and the worst performer in the world in regards to health care. Access to capital and appropriate partners are the biggest issues. “Burma is one of the few frontier or ‘reservoir’ countries left — Cuba is another....

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