Rudd vs. Gillard: Here We Go …

Published on Mar 5, 2012 by Luke Hunt

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FAR EAST CORRESPONDENT — Since February 22, the Australian jobsite Now Hiring has offered the position of Prime Minister of Australia. Candidates will “move Australia forward and build our future whilst giving working families a fair go, protecting our borders, and building an economy that is the envy of the world by ensuring our environment is preserved for future generations and stopping the boats, whilst upholding our humanitarian responsibilities to the traditional owners of the land.”

Though “a genuine interest in, and thorough knowledge of, current affairs, economics, history, statecraft, and philosophy” would be ideal, anyone with a pulse will do. The last line of this engaging, on-the-money spoof might be the best, “You may at times be required to work longer than the specified 38 hour work week; however, this should not be too inconvenient as the position is expected to be temporary.” Indeed. Given the fiasco since Kevin Rudd announced his resignation as foreign minister on the day the job posting went up , things could look bleak for a Labor victory in the next election.

Read more from Helen Clark in World Policy Blog.