Sometimes funny and sometimes nasty

Kim Jong-il says it with Flowers

Published on Oct 12, 2008 by Luke Hunt

Few correspondents can match the wit of Sheikh Ya’erbuti, nor his brooding insights into the Hermit Kingdom and the floral arrangements that made itIn North Korea, Dear leader Kim Jong-il has enjoyed a terrific couple of months. He struck oil with the Americans in return for ditching a nuclear power plant, got the South Koreans back to bargaining table, was awarded his first prize in journalism and a floral extravaganza marked his 65th birthday party.The birthday bash surely proved a must for the Pyongyang’s champagne quaffing social elite. A local hybrid begonia has been renamed Kimjongilia and if last year was anything to go by then at least 23,000 potted Kimjongilias went on display.And how do we know about such....

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Invading Iraq: Just Surviving Thanks to Waqil and the Blue Flame

Published on Jan 15, 2003 by Luke Hunt

Editors note: Under immense time pressures from the luxury of Kuwait City and the less comfortable surroundings of the northern deserts, the Phnom Penh Post’s indefatigable Kuwaiti correspondent had filed this for his avid fans.KUWAIT CITY, Jan 15 — News-starved hacks in Kuwait City have stumbled across a US military conspiracy of a sort not seen since the invasion of Cambodia. The means are comparably cruel and devious and aimed at controlling the coverage of an Iraqi invasion by weakening the media’s capabilities through boredom and bankruptcies.To explain it costs $5,000 to get a journalist here and kit them out in the latest battlefield colors.Throw in a $1,500 a month per car, a $3,000 a month per diem, another $5,000....

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