The Road to Basra is Paved with Air-Conditioners
Published on
Jan 31, 2003 by Luke Hunt
Editors note: The latest offering from the mysterious, ever-enthusiastic and indefatigable Sheikh Ya’erbuti, the Post’s Kuwait correspondent. In this issue: hotel hopping in Kuwait City, getting embedded with the US military, and an update on Waqil’s liquor brewing tactic.
ON THE IRAQ BORDER, Jan 31 — The US military has pleased the war groupies in Kuwait and signaled that conflict is just around the corner by announcing its embed policy. However it has thoroughly ticked-off others by moving Thursday’s media briefing — the two o’clock follies — out of the Sheraton Hotel and into the Hilton Hotel.
Colonel Rick Thomas, who is not allowed to be quoted, declared the policy at his regular follies, Ricky’s friends said this type of....
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