
Stiletto by Max Kolbe – November, 2009

Published on Nov 15, 2009 by Luke Hunt

Mexican Mayhem Flavored with a Singapore Sling Routinely Iraq, Afghanistan and The Philippines share top billing as the most dangerous place on earth for journalists. It’s hardly a coveted title but there are a broad range of countries not far behind the leader’s board and Mexico is rapidly catching up. According to a tally by El Universal, the country’s top-selling newspaper, 12 reporters, photographers, editors and radio hosts have been slain this year, mostly for reporting on drug trafficking and the corruption that accompanies the trade. Among the recently killed was Vladimir Antuna García a crime correspondent for El Tiempo de Durango newspaper. He had escaped an attack in April, one month before his colleague, Carlos Ortega Samper, was shot....

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe – September, 2009

Published on Sep 15, 2009 by Luke Hunt

Counting the Cost of Freedom Two American journalists, one British reporter and an Afghan have defied recent trends and were released from detention for crimes that could hardly have justified their incarceration. At first glance their release would appear to be a victory for common sense but the reality might unfortunately prove an aberration given the circumstances and efforts required to secure their release. Laura Ling and Euna Lee who were held for nearly five months in a grim North Korean prison have told how they did not see any international border crossings, like a fence or barbed wire that would indicate they had crossed into the hermit state. The girls described in the US media their attempt to cross....

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe – July, 2009

Published on Jul 15, 2009 by Luke Hunt

Courting the Law and Silencing Critics Stiletto by Max Kolbe – July, 2009 The bullying of journalists around the region continues to be played out before the courts with politicians, military officers, the odd fixer and despot hiding behind the skirts of a magistrate to silence their critics. In particular the illustrious legal systems of North Korea, Cambodia, Thailand and possibly Iran will no doubt ignore any bruised egos and be fair and even handed in dispensing justice against the unruly fourth estate. It’s with the North Korean courts the families of Euna Lee and Laura Ling have placed their faith, along with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Clinton has raised hopes that a diplomatic shift will work where....

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe – May, 2009

Published on May 15, 2009 by Luke Hunt

Why Shoot? Just Legislate and Jail Relations between governments and journalists can be strained even at the best of times. But efforts by authorities around the world to stifle unwanted reports that irritate and upset through draconian legal avenues appear to have reached new levels. The nutbags in Tehran stole the lion’s share of attention in these stakes with the conviction of Roxana Saberi, an Iranian-American journalist, for espionage. Her one-day trial was closed to the public. She was sentenced to eight years in prison but the more saner heads among the Iranian authorities ensured her appeal process was quick and said it would be fair. Saberi was freed after the charges were reduced but she must still deal with....

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe – February 2009

Published on Feb 15, 2009 by Luke Hunt

Minor Miracles & Dirty Cops Since last we wrote authorities around the world have again proved unfailing in their inability to tolerate those going about their daily routine as a reporter. There are exceptions, however, with a minor miracle in the Philippines where a suspect has been charged over the killing of a journalist. And guess what? The warrant was issued for a cop. Yes officer, Israelis also know how to impress. The Committee to Protect Journalists wants Israel to return confiscated news footage of its navy allegedly firing on and boarding a ship which Tel Aviv says never happened. There were also Journalists on board and they’re not happy, saying they were beaten-up and had their equipment confiscated during....

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