
Bomborra Productions Website Launch

Published on Feb 5, 2010 by Luke Hunt

Bomborra Productions (BbP) will launch its website on Chinese New Year, February 14, 2010. The site is an expansion of Bomborra Images, established five years earlier as a small photo library. BbP offers access to photo, news and feature archives, and serves as a link with a handful of well established journalists operating in East Asia. Bomborra Productions was initially registered in Hong Kong in May, 2008. Regular clients include Voice of America, The Times, The Sunday Bangkok Post, The South China Morning Post, World Politics Review, The Diplomat and The Correspondent. Other prominent media outlets have ranged from ABC Radio in Australia and Readers’ Digest, to AsiaLIFE and The Phnom Penh Post. .

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe — January, 2010

Published on Jan 20, 2010 by Luke Hunt

Journo Deaths Strike a Record High in 2009 Thanks largely to the Ampatuan clan on Mindanao a record 121 journalists were killed in 2009. They died in 25 countries, and represented an increase of 33 percent from a year earlier, according to a report released by the Press Emblem Campaign. It said the killings in the Southern Philippines marked the “worst massacre of journalists in history,” when 31 were killed in November during an attack on an electoral convoy in Maguindanao province. “On average 10 journalists were killed per month by armed groups, criminal groups, governments and in terrorist acts,” Blaise Lempen, the group’s secretary general, said. “Others were kidnapped or exiled and in many cases silenced while impunity continues.”....

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