
Stiletto: Pakistan Tops the Killing Fields

Published on Dec 25, 2010 by Luke Hunt

By Max Kolbe As 2010 draws to a close Pakistan appears set to take out the most unwanted prize in journalism as the most dangerous place to work. At least 42 journalists were killed worldwide in 2010, with Iraq, Mexico, and Honduras just behind Pakistan according to the Committee to Protect Journalist. China and Iran also stood out, by pushing the number of journalists imprisoned worldwide to its highest level since 1996, with 145 reporters, editors, and photojournalists identified by the CPJ as being behind bars on December 1, up by nine from the 2009 tally. Eritrea was third among the foremost jailers of journalists. Among the dead, six of the eight Pakistani journalists were killed in suicide attacks or....

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Stiletto by Max Kolbe — October, 2010

Published on Nov 21, 2010 by Luke Hunt

The creeps in Mindanao can’t help themselves. But at least there were some forward thinking journalists on hand at Xinhua who followed up on death threats being issued against correspondents almost a year after the worst massacre in Philippine history. The Chinese news agency reported from Cotabato that several Filipino journalists in the southern Philippines, including a photographer for Agence France Presse (AFP), had simultaneously received death threats earlier this month. It said Mark Navales, a stringer photographer for AFP, confirmed he was among those who received the threat after an unknown man sent a message to his mobile phone advising him to watch out for the media death squad. “This is alarming. Whatever circumstances, we don’t want last year’s....

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