
Stiletto: Old Favorites Find Form

Published on May 1, 2011 by Luke Hunt

Ross Dunkley By Max Kolbe It must be said that China, Burma, Vietnam and Cambodia are hardly darlings of the media establishment. In Beijing they’re jumping at their own shadows in response to the protests that have toppled rulers in the Middle East while thugs in Indochina have come out to play. The Chinese government is threatening to expel foreign journalists as the Jasmine Revolution left dear leaders doubting how much their people actually liked them. Bloomberg’s Stephen Engle was beaten while others were detained. Foreign journalists were also read the riot act and harassed by security forces for turning up at small gatherings of people. Warnings were issued that correspondents risked having their visas revoked and the authorities again....

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Weekly News Summary – April 29

Published on Apr 29, 2011 by Luke Hunt

A look at the headlines making news this week from around south-east Asia and a little bit beyond. ASIAWATCH — A delicate truce between Thailand and Cambodia was left in tatters this week, after fresh border clashes broke out over two disputed jungle temples. Both sides accused the other of starting the violence, which killed one Thai soldier. It is the bloodiest fighting in decades and has restarted a dispute that had already displaced tens of thousands of people and killed at least 15 troops. Human rights remained at the forefront of the international community’s engagement with China, with a top US diplomat accusing China of “back-sliding” on the issue. The Chinese government hit back, telling the US not to....

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