
Weekly News Summary – June 10

Published on Jun 10, 2011 by Luke Hunt

A look at the headlines making news this week from around Asia. ASIAWATCH — China and North Korea began constructing joint economic zones near their border regions using “government-guided, enterprise-based and marked-oriented” principles. Officials described the development projects as symbolising a “new chapter in the history of the traditional DPRK-China friendship”. Little else is known about the plans, which have occurred as North Korea prepares to transition to a new leader. South Korea, meanwhile, has appointed a North Korean defector to head a government research institute. It would be the highest South Korean government job that a North Korean refugee has ever taken. A court in Inner Mongolia has sentenced a Chinese coalmine worker to death for killing an ethnic....

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Weekly News Summary – June 3

Published on Jun 3, 2011 by Luke Hunt

A look at the headlines making news this week from around Asia. ASIAWATCH — Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan survived a no-confidence motion brought by dissatisfied MPs critical of his handling of March’s earthquake and tsunami disaster. In exchange for further time in the top job, Kan compromised with the rebellion of senior party members and agreed to step down once the crises were under control. Also in Japan, a hacker group claimed it had successfully infiltrated Sony’s security system. The global electronic corporation is investigating claims that the hackers stole more than one million passwords and email addresses. In April, Sony had to apologise after its PlayStation Network was attacked and hackers stole data from more than 77 million....

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