
Malaysian Elections Produce more Losers than Winners

Published on May 17, 2013 by Luke Hunt

Note: This article first appeared in Spectrum.By Luke HuntMalaysia’s latest attempt at staging a clean and fair election again fell widely short of expectations but this time around the polls have laid bare the nation’s odious racial divisions and left an increasingly agitated electorate with little but political chaos to look forward to.Bitterly disappointed was Prime Minister Najib Razak. He did win the contest and ensured the 56-year unbeaten run by the Barison Nasional (BN) coalition as the nation’s leaders would continue.However, Chinese voters deserted the coalition in droves, reduced the ruling party’s majority and left Najib’s One Malaysia campaign – designed to show-off the country’s racial harmony — in tatters.Najib said he had been hit by a “Chinese tsunami”.....

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