Cambodia’s Snow Alive

Published on Oct 25, 2011 by Luke Hunt

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AsiaWATCH — Well-known Phnom Penh bar owner Ian Woodford, better known as Snow to his customers, said yesterday that news of his death in Australia had been greatly exaggerated, the Cambodia Daily reports.

The newspaper said false rumors accompanied by short epitaphs and eulogies to Snow, the former owner of Maxine’s bar, which was situated on the Chroy Changva peninsula and was a site of pilgrimage for those wanting to see the sun set over Phnom Penh’s skyline, began circulating on social media sites and blogs early last week.

“I’m sitting on a balcony listening to INXS on a new sound system, sipping wine and looking at the sun set over Sydney, mate,” Mr Woodford, who turned 54 on Sunday, told the Cambodia Daily by telephone.