
Malaysia’s Militant Headache

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by Luke Hunt

Tawau is a quiet little place – and possibly the remotest city in Malaysia. Tucked away near the Indonesian border in the state of Sabah, it’s well known in diplomatic circles as a Malaysian transit hub between Indonesia and the Southern Philippines.It’s also a favorite stop over for pirates, smugglers, mercenaries, illegal workers and the Darul Islam movement, whose roots can be traced back to Indonesia’s independence almost 65 years ago. Since then, Darul Islam has spawned a litany of Muslim militant groups like Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).Most who pass through continue on, but some stay to stock-up on supplies, reload and plan for another day as authorities found out when 13 suspected terrorists were arrested in Tawau last month under....

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Malaysia, Maids & the Lash

Published on Oct 26, 2011 by Luke Hunt

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak hasn’t put a political foot wrong since speculation began an election could be called for as soon as November or early in the New Year. First, he announced an inquiry into electoral reforms, then repealed laws curtailing civil liberties and delivered an election friendly budget.But Najib pulled off a real coup last week, winning an agreement from Jakarta that will allow Indonesian maids to return to work in Malaysia. That decision will prove popular, particularly among the middle class Muslim women of Peninsula Malaysia who say they are suffering from a lack of domestic help after Indonesia banned its women from working there because of appalling treatment meted out by many employers.Read more in The....

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Kim Jong-il says it with Flowers

Published on Oct 12, 2008 by Luke Hunt

Few correspondents can match the wit of Sheikh Ya’erbuti, nor his brooding insights into the Hermit Kingdom and the floral arrangements that made itIn North Korea, Dear leader Kim Jong-il has enjoyed a terrific couple of months. He struck oil with the Americans in return for ditching a nuclear power plant, got the South Koreans back to bargaining table, was awarded his first prize in journalism and a floral extravaganza marked his 65th birthday party.The birthday bash surely proved a must for the Pyongyang’s champagne quaffing social elite. A local hybrid begonia has been renamed Kimjongilia and if last year was anything to go by then at least 23,000 potted Kimjongilias went on display.And how do we know about such....

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